Boston Marathon Stories – Babbittville

Leading in to this year’s Boston Marathon, I filmed a few of my favorite Boston Marathon stories for our friends at Hylands.   Dave McGillivray In this episode, I share how it all started for Boston Marathon race director Dave McGillivray.   Dick and Rick Hoyt In this episode, I recount the incredible story of…

Adrianne Haslet April 2015 – Babbittville

Bob: Our next guest, one of our favorite people on the planet, she just completed the Boston Marathon, Adrianne Haslet joins us. Adrianne, first of all, how are you feeling after running the Boston Marathon? Adrianne: Bob, it’s so good to talk to you. Thank you for having me. I’m feeling good. I finally am…

Adrianne Haslet – Babbittville

Dancer Adrianne Haslet lost her leg in the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. During the past three years she has not only been able to perform again as a dancer, she has helped to change the public lexicon from ‘victim’ to ‘survivor,’ become an advocate for amputee rights and, just a week before this interview,…