Mike Bone: Run Catalina Events

Mike Bone joined us to talk about the Catalina Island Half Marathon on November 16th and the epic Catalina Island Marathon on March 14, 2020. For information on any of the running events on Catalina Island, go to runcatalina.com       Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links Babbittville…

Mike Bone: Catalina Marathon

Mike Bone, from Spectrum Sports, puts on the iconic Catalina Marathon that is celebrating it’s 42nd anniversary on Saturday March 9th. If you love running off-road, Catalina is perfect for you!         Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links Babbittville Radio on Apple Podcasts Babbitt Media Group…

Mike Bone – Babbittville

Mike Bone is the main man behind the Catalina Eco Marathon, the Catalina Triathlon and all of the other endurance events on one of the world’s most beautiful islands. The website is RunCatalina.com.     Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links Babbittville Radio on Apple Podcasts Babbitt Media Group Babbittville…