Austin Murphy – Babbittville

Austin Murphy from Sports Illustrated, one of our favorite all-time guests, came on with Paul Huddle and me to chat about the Tour de France, among other things. The guy is awesome!   Subscribe to Babbittville Radio on iTunes     Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links Babbittville Radio on…

Stephen Madden – Babbittville

Stephen Madden was the editor-in-chief of Bicycling Magazine. He came on the show to chat about the challenge of covering the Lance Armstrong era, his favorite cycling moments and cyclists, plus his move into CrossFit. His new book, Embrace the Suck, takes you through his journey from a novice in CrossFit to someone who can…

Ben King – Babbittville

Ben King, now of the  of the Garmin Sharp Cycling team, won the U.S. National Road Racing Championship back in 2010 and this past July rode in and finished his first Tour de France. He is part of a great up-and-coming crop of American cyclists.   Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone …