Holly Lawrence Interview from Island House – Babbittville

Holly Lawrence Interview from Island House At Ironman 70.3 Oceanside, we saw another impressive race from the talented Holly Lawrence. Get to know this triathlete better in this interview from the Island House Invitational Triathlon…   Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links Babbittville Radio on Apple Podcasts Babbitt Media…

The Couples of Island House – Babbittville

One of the great things about the Island House Invitational Triathlon was the opportunity for triathlon couples to share the experience together. And what better place to race together than the paradise of the Bahamas and Highbourne Cay. We chatted with eight couples during the week on Bahamas with Bob.   Rachel Klamer and Richard Murray…