Bob Seagren – Babbittville

Bob Seagren of remembers going down to the rug store as a kid, bringing home the bamboo poles that were inside the rugs, and then using them as pole vault poles. Who would have thought that those bamboo poles would one day lead to Seagren breaking the world record for the sport numerous times and…

Gilad Jacobs from Normatec – Babbittville

Gilad Jacobs is the CEO of Normatec ( , the coolest recovery product around. We chatted about the early days of Normatec, the top pro triathletes who were the early adapters, and how the product continues to evolve.   Subscribe to Babbittville Radio on iTunes   Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone …

Jim Howley – Babbittville

Back in 1996 Jim Howley did what many thought was impossible for someone with HIV and AIDS: He finished the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. Jim joined us twenty years later to take us through his journey.   Subscribe to Babbittville Radio on iTunes   Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone  TV Velofix Links…

Gerry Rodrigues – Babbittville

Gerry Rodrigues from Tower 26 is simply one of the best swim coaches around for triathletes at all levels. For someone who grew up swimming in Trinidad, you can tell that Gerry is still out there following his passion. Subscribe to Babbittville Radio on iTunes   Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone …

Moki Martin – Babbittville

The Superfrog Triathlon was created back in 1979 in Coronado, California as a training race for the Navy SEALS who were racing Ironman in Hawaii. The man behind the event then and now is Navy SEAL Moki Martin whose event recently became part of the Ironman family and brought together two legendary brands: Ironman 70.3…

Cameron Wurf – Babbittville

How many athletes do you know who have competed in World Championships in three different sports? Obviously, someone who can make an Olympic team in rowing, move seamlessly on to professional cycling, and then become a professional triathlete is pretty special. Meet Cameron Wurf, one of the greatest athletes you have probably never heard of…

Tony Matesi – Babbittville

Tony Matesi is the Director of Endurance for Spartan Race. After finishing the Spartan Death Race, he created some 24 hour events to prepare people to compete in the Death Race. In 2013 he joined the Spartan team and created longer team-building initiatives including Agoge, which was a system of training created by the Spartans.…

Joshua Holmes – Babbittville

Joshua Holmes created #runitfast, a community that encourages people around the world to embrace the great sport of running. How committed is Joshua? In 2015 he completed #slamwater, the Grand Slam of 100 mile races and Badwater, and he has completed 160 marathons and ultras. Run It Fast has members now in 41 states and…

Brett Sutton – Babbittville

His current roster of athletes includes two-time Ironman 70.3 World Champion and Ironman World Champion Daniela Ryf as well as 2012 Olympic Gold Medalist Nicola Spirig. When you add in his roster of former elite athletes, including four-time Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington, Brett Sutton just might be the best triathlon coach ever. Subscribe to…

Milena Glusac – Babbittville

Milena Glusac was one of the nation’s top runners out of high school where she was having great success while only running 25 miles a week. When her college coaches doubled her weekly mileage, stress fractures became a constant part of her life and she ended up with a total of 13 in all. Here…