Andre Kajlich – Babbittville

Andre Kajlich just became the first wheelchair bound athlete to finish Ultraman Canada. He has become an amazing athlete who, since losing both legs above the knee in a subway accident in 2003 in Prague, is always looking for the very best way to push himself to the very limit of his endurance. As you’ll…

Ritch Viola – Babbittville

Ritch Viola is the main man behind the Every Man Jack line of skin and hair care products and a triathlon team. Their group has grown to over 50 athletes around the country and their goals are simple: go fast and give back.         Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO Tri SFuels Endurance  Zone …

Terenzo Bozzone – Babbittville

Terenzo Bozzone from New Zealand is only 29 years old, has five World Championship Titles and has been racing triathlons for nearly half his life. We chatted about moving from Olympic format  to the Ironman and Ironman 70.3, his course record that still stands at Wildflower, training with and learning from two-time Ironman World champion…

Michellie Jones – Babbittville

When it comes to greatness over time and over different distances, runner Rod Dixon is at the very top of our all-time list. Not too far behind, though, is triathlete Michellie Jones who dominated the legendary non-drafting triathlons like Chicago, St. Anthony’s and Escape from Alcatraz ,won the first ever XTERRA Off -Road World Championship,…