Myron Jucha

Myron Jucha was weighing in at over 300 pounds a little over two years ago. Now he is 100 pounds lighter and getting ready to ride his bike 620 miles in seven days down the California coastline as part of the Challenged Athletes Foundation’s Million Dollar Challenge.       Sponsors Subscribe to Newsletter CREDO…

Tony Lee

The date was October 17, 2015 and long-time open water swimmer Tony Lee and a friend were going for a two miler to the Mokulua Islands and back from Lanikai Beach on the island of Oahu. On the way back, still half a mile from shore, Tony was attacked by a tiger shark and his…

Mile Marker 86

Editor’s Note: I wrote this about David Bailey as part of our pre-race coverage of the 2009 Ironman World Championship   It was the day after the 2008 Ironman World Championship. David Bailey, who had been one of the best motocross athletes on the planet before he was paralyzed, was barreling down the Queen Ka’ahumanu…