2006 Ironman World Champion Michellie Jones with party attendees
What a great party! Over 150 people joined us at our Challenged Athletes Foundation headquarters on Sunday, March 8th to honor the Ironman Class of 1980, to kick off the 2020 triathlon season, and to remember two amazing people we lost in 2019: Mike Levine and Mike Plant.
It was a total blast to have Ironman Champions Linda Sweeney, Kathleen McCartney, Scott Tinley, Paula Newby-Fraser, Michellie Jones, and David Bailey join us on stage to honor myself, Rick Kozlowski, Ned Overend, Dennis Hearst, Kurt Madden, John Howard, and Chuck Neumann with their awesome Class of 1980 Letter Sweaters!
Ironman Class of 1980 40th Reunion: Paula Newby-Fraser, Kurt Madden, Michellie Jones, John Howard, Rick Kozlowski, Ned Overend, Linda Sweeney, Kathleen McCartney, David Bailey, Scott Tinley, Bob Babbitt, Dennis Hearst, Chuck Neumann
March 8, 2020 ©2020 Rich Cruse / CrusePhoto.com
1980 Ironman Champion Dave Scott was unable to attend due to recovery from a recent bike accident, but sent along a heartfelt video message to his fellow class of 80 members
Also in attendance were NBA legend Bill Walton, CAF co-founder Jeffrey Essakow, coaching legend Bob Larsen, Ironman Hall of Famer Julie Moss, and so many more amazing members of our triathlon family.
Co-founders of the Challenged Athletes Foundation: Jeffrey Essakow, Rick Kozlowski, Bob Babbitt
Scott Tinley and Kathleen McCartney share a laugh
Julie Moss and Bob Babbitt
The San Diego Union Tribune did a great feature on the get together and FOX Sports San Diego and KUSI TV were also in the house.
Ironman Class of 1980: Kurt Madden, John Howard, Ned Overend, Chuck Neumann, Bob Babbitt, Rick Kozlowski, Dennis Hearst
A huge thank you to Events.com for sponsorship of the event, to the Tri Club of San Diego, who unveiled their new TCSD Mercedes Van, and to everyone who took time out of their Sunday to join us to celebrate the greatest sport on earth!
Triathlon Club of San Diego in the house!
Challenged Athletes Foundation Executive Director Virginia Tinley and San Diego Triathlon Challenge Race Director Jonathan Pauley
Part of the evening included a remembrance of Mike Levine, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer at the beginning of the year. Kathleen McCartney and Mike’s incredible doctor Paul Fanta with Jan Levine
Then and Now…
Bob Babbitt and Ned Overend after a Tug’s Tavern swim-run race in 1979
Bob Babbitt and Ned Overend at Ironman Class of 1980 40th Reunion, March 2020
Read more about my first Ironman in 1980 here:
Check out the results from the 1980 Ironman….